Wednesday, 11th May 2016
– Doors open at 7:00pm
The Old Fire Station
The Bridge Trust provides life-changing services to homeless people; turning their lives around and moving them on into independence, thereby preventing them from falling back into homelessness. We work with single homeless adults, who fall outside of the statutory definition of being in “priority need” and therefore outside of the local authorities’ duty to house them.
We work primarily, although not exclusively with people who have a connection to Kent, and particularly our local area of west Kent. We support both males and females who have support needs, from 18 years old up to retirement age and we give our support with professionalism, supplemented with compassion, respect and understanding.
Wednesday, May 11th 2016
Doors open: 7:00pm
Bookings close: May 10th 2016
This event is organized by TOFS EVENTS.
Telephone 07710741616
Contact the event organizer
Lost or not received your tickets?
Public parking available in Castle Car Park (Behind Tonbridge Castle)
Tonbridge train station 10-15 mins walk
Money from ticket purchases will be donated to our chosen charity (The Bridge Trust) less booking fees at approx 50p per ticket and paypal fees.
© 2025 LIVE IT Group Ltd, Registered in England & Wales, number 08432364 at 7 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR
LIVE IT is a technology partner providing ticket fulfilment services and is not an agent for this event or affiliated with its organizers in any way.